Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Trunk or Treat

This year the PTA started "Trunk or Treat."  Many families decorated their cars and passed out candy.  We had a blast.  Thank you to our "big girls" who walked my daughter Phoebe around while I passed out candy.  She later told me she made a lot of good "remember-ize."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Skeleton Cursive Activity...

Thank you to those of you who donated goodies and who were able to attend our Halloween Party!

Trick or Treats........

Happy Halloween!

Our Halloween Globe

In third grade, as part of our social studies curriculum, we learn about globes.   As a class we painted the pumpkin blue and placed the continents on our "globe." Then we labeled the oceans, continents, and equator.

Strange Happenings in Room #23


We suspect Sampson has been listening in as we read BunniculaBunnicula is the story about a Romanian rabbit that sucks the juice out of vegetables leaving them white.  Soon after Sampson received one of his favorite treats, a red onion, it turned white and had two fang marks.  Guinea Pig or Guineicula???

Fire Safety TIme!

Mrs. Teague's class visits the Ida Volunteer Fire Department!

We learned a lot about fire safety and making emergency plans with our families.

The kids always enjoy when the firefighters demonstrate how the hoses work....

Ida Elementary 3rd Grade Students

Thank you Ida Firefighters!!!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our Favorite Lil' Pig

This is our class pet Sampson II.  He is an Abyssinian Guinea Pig.  He loves fruits, vegetables, and being held by the kids during read alouds.  Sampson loves to make weekend visits to your homes but also looks forward to seeing his family and "Delilah" at Mrs. Teague's home. We will celebrate his 1st birthday this winter!

Guinea Dog

Our class has been enjoying the book Guinea Dog by Patrick Jennings.  This book is about a boy named Rufus who dreams of owning a dog.  His parents compromise and give him a guinea pig that he names "Fido."  The guinea pig turns out to have some very interesting characteristics.  Will Rufus still dream of becoming a dog owner or learn to adore his "Guinea Dog?"

Check out more books by Patrick Jennings at: