Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our Favorite Lil' Pig

This is our class pet Sampson II.  He is an Abyssinian Guinea Pig.  He loves fruits, vegetables, and being held by the kids during read alouds.  Sampson loves to make weekend visits to your homes but also looks forward to seeing his family and "Delilah" at Mrs. Teague's home. We will celebrate his 1st birthday this winter!

Guinea Dog

Our class has been enjoying the book Guinea Dog by Patrick Jennings.  This book is about a boy named Rufus who dreams of owning a dog.  His parents compromise and give him a guinea pig that he names "Fido."  The guinea pig turns out to have some very interesting characteristics.  Will Rufus still dream of becoming a dog owner or learn to adore his "Guinea Dog?"

Check out more books by Patrick Jennings at:

We all scream for ice-cream!

In celebration of our first week of school, we made ice-cream.  The children read an informational book about ice-cream and we put the recipe to the test.  We had a lot of fun and had a delicious treat in the end.  Thank you to everyone for the donations and also to our wonderful parent volunteers.  We couldn't have done it without you!

Friendship Tree

On the first day of school we took an oath that we would grow together as friends.  We will display our "friendship tree" in our classroom for the remainder of the year to serve as a reminder that we will work as a team.